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Anti-rust Lubrication

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Antirust Lubricant

Water soluble, No silicon, Security, Transparent

Antirust Lubricant provide safe and effective protection for surgical instruments, prolong the service life of equipment, and reduce maintenance cost.

Main Ingredients:

Water soluble antirust lubrication factor, chelating agent etc.

Application scope:

Suitable for all kinds of stainless steel surgical instruments and apparatus of manual and machine lubrication rust proofing.

Product features:

  • All-round lubrication, maintain the flexibility of instrument joint, increase the instrument gloss;

  • No silicon, mild without stimulation, non - toxic;

  • Through product safety testing, safety and Environment-friendly, does not affect the sterilization factor penetration.

Direction for use:

1.Dilution ratio: Manual cleaning: 1:50~1:200, Machine cleaning: 1:200~1:400;

2.Optimum water temperature: 60℃~90℃;

3.Operation Suggestions: When Manual lubrication, must be completely open equipment joint to ensure completely into the lubricant diluted, or with a soft brush dip dilution smear on the surface of the instrument.

4.Instrument after antirust lubrication, must be dried.