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CSSD's "Hand in Hand"(Friendship Hospital) Clinical Practice Training Course Release time:2019-01-14 15:28

  On January 9, 2019, CSSD's "Hand in Hand"(Friendship Hospital) clinical practice training course was held grandly.The clinical practice training activities invited the capital Medical University affiliated Beijing Friendship Hospital central sterile supply department head nurse Yuanyuan to give a lecture.


Transfer of work


Teacher Yuan shared work experience


Discussion on the importance of water treatment systems and their impact on cleaning


Explain the problem in Decontamination area


Description Work Flow and Points to Note in Sterile storage area


Sharing common disinfection methods


CSSD quality management PPT sharing, emphasizing the importance of pretreatment in cleaning


Field practice



  As the core of the hospital, CSSD requires us to pay attention to the cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of all departments and various types of reuse equipment in the hospital. As CSSD professionals, we need to continue to study, broaden our horizons, and increase our professional knowledge and practical experience.